

There are many novels left here, such as "Yamakoihi" and "Summer Night Dreams" set in the town of hot springs.。
There are many novels left here, such as "Yamakoihi" and "Summer Night Dreams" set in the town of hot springs.。

There are many novels left here, such as "Yamakoihi" and "Summer Night Dreams" set in the town of hot springs.。
Founded from the middle of the Edo period、Founded from the middle of the Edo period、Founded from the middle of the Edo period、Founded from the middle of the Edo period。
Founded from the middle of the Edo period、Founded from the middle of the Edo period、Founded from the middle of the Edo period、Founded from the middle of the Edo period、Clear water drawn from cotton water is flowing。
Clear water drawn from cotton water is flowing、Clear water drawn from cotton water is flowing。

Clear water drawn from cotton water is flowing。
Clear water drawn from cotton water is flowing、Clear water drawn from cotton water is flowing、Clear water drawn from cotton water is flowing、It ’s a small inn in Shinshu with nothing.、It ’s a small inn in Shinshu with nothing.。